About Gray DI

We help education clients develop data-informed institutional strategies that maximize outcomes for students, the school, and its constituencies.

Gray Academic Program Evaluation System

Introduction to Gray

Gray DI provides the only complete academic Program Evaluation System (PES) for higher education.

Combining software, data, and facilitated processes, Gray’s PES enables institutions to make data-informed program decisions that strengthen relationships among faculty and administrators. PES includes current, local data on student demand, plus jobs, skills, and competition for more than 1,500 academic programs. PES corrects profound errors in many widely-used labor market data sources. For example, IPEDS reports several hundred thousand online completions in the wrong states – the headquarters locations of the institutions; Gray puts them back in the markets where the students live. PES also provides easy-to-understand dashboards that use internal data to track program economics, academic performance, and diversity. PES enables collaborative, data-informed program evaluation and ongoing program portfolio management, which allows institutions to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. By strengthening program evaluation and management, PES increases enrollment, strengthens financial results, and improves DEI.

Our Promise

We provide the only complete academic Program Evaluation System: PES. Gray DI is trustworthy, insightful, innovative, collaborative, and reliable. We are champions of higher education.

Our Purpose

We provide innovative, leading-edge software that provides easy access to data streams critical to academic program evaluation and management.

Our Software

PES enables data-informed, collaborative program evaluations that increase enrollment, strengthen financial performance, and improve student outcomes. PES is available as an annual or multi-year subscription.

Our Belief

Higher education plays a vital role in our society. It prepares students for meaningful careers and transmits our culture and knowledge to the next generation.


We care about higher education because we believe it plays a vital role in our society.

Read our latest news and insights:

US Needs More Cyber Warriors: Program Opportunities on the Rise

In the first half of 2024, several US higher education institutions faced significant cyberattacks, spotlighting a growing crisis and opportunity. These incidents highlight the urgent need for cybersecurity professionals. As interest in cybersecurity programs surges, higher education has a unique opportunity to turn this challenge into a strategic advantage. Discover how institutions can mitigate cyber threats while preparing students for high-demand careers, securing both their futures and those of their students.

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Closing the Gap: Why Aligning College Skills with Workforce Needs Matters More Than Ever

A recent report highlights a pressing issue in higher education: while nearly all adults without a degree see its value, there is a significant skills gap between what colleges teach and what employers need. Aligning college programs with in-demand skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership is essential. Addressing this gap ensures that graduates are prepared for the job market, benefiting students, employers, and educational institutions alike. Discover why this alignment is crucial for future success.

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In the Eyes of International Students, Not All Programs Are Created Equal

As international students return to the US, evolving market trends present both opportunities and challenges for higher education institutions. STEM-designated programs are particularly attractive to these students, as shown by Gray DI data. With institutions adapting to meet this demand, understanding these trends allows colleges and universities to refine their recruiting strategies and enhance their appeal. Discover how these insights can shape your institution’s approach to international student recruitment.

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