Predict Program Size with Pro Forma Financials

Unlock Growth Opportunities

Predict Program Size uses machine learning to predict the most uncertain and impactful number in program plans: enrollment. The model distinguishes between large and small programs with over 90% accuracy, helping colleges avoid expensive program failures. Predict feeds 10-year pro forma financials, calculating program revenue, expense, and cash flow. Predict with pro forma provides faster, more accurate estimates to better inform program decisions, ensuring that the programs you start or grow strengthen institutional financials.

Informed Decisions

Identify growth opportunities and prioritize enrollment and revenue enhancement actions with precise insights tailored to your institution's needs.

Strategic Planning

Start or grow the right programs and generate hundreds of thousands in revenue. Reduce the risk of expensive program failures.  Inform long-range strategies with reasonably accurate estimates of potential enrollment, revenue, cost, and margin.

Efficient Budgeting

Allocate resources confidently with comprehensive pro forma financial insights, ensuring your budget aligns with your institution’s markets, mission, and budgets.

Targeted Outreach

Craft targeted outreach strategies based on data- informed insights. Knowing when to invest and when to pivot will reduce the risk of program failures and lead to sustainable growth.

Learn more about Gray DI's PES Predict Program Size with Pro Forma Financials

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