Solutions for Provosts
To succeed, a provost responsible for both the academic and administrative functions of their institution needs software tools that support an alignment of academic programs with market demand, the optimization of resource allocation, positive student outcomes and equity, and strategically focused recruitment efforts. In short, you need an easier, more proven way to make data-informed decisions that advance the academic, financial, and operational goals of the institution, leading to improved institutional competitiveness, sustainability, and student success.
Gray Decision Intelligence recommends PES Markets, Economics and Outcomes, and Gray DI GeoTargeting.
Recommended Solutions for Provosts:

PES Markets
PES Markets provides strategic academic planning with the following:
- Insight into Student Demand: Provides current information on student demand, enabling the identification of potential growth opportunities.
- Workforce and Career Alignment: Analyzes data to align academic programs with job opportunities and labor market needs, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for their careers.
- Competitive Analysis: Makes it possible for an assessment of competition and market trends for informed decision-making on program offerings and modifications.
PES Economics and Outcomes
PES Economics and Outcomes contributes to data-informed academic and financial oversight through:
- Economic Analysis: Makes it possible for the assessment of program economics, including revenue, cost, and margin at multiple levels, for improved resource allocation and budget management.
- Outcome and Equity Analysis: Helps identify and address disparities in student outcomes across different demographics, contributing to institutional equity and inclusivity.
- Retention Strategies: Provides insights into courses and programs that impact student retention and attrition, supporting the development of strategies to improve student success and institutional sustainability.

Gray DI GeoTargeting makes it possible for accurate, targeted recruitment and marketing through the following:
- Market Identification: Assists in identifying markets with higher enrollment propensities, enabling targeted marketing and admission efforts.
- Increased ROI: Focused investments in identified markets can increase student attraction and revenue, optimizing the return on marketing and admission investments.