Category Webinar Archive

Results Through December (2022)

  • In December, US Google searches for academic programs increased 23% year-over-year.
    • Cybersecurity was the fastest-growing program for searches.
  • In academic year 2021-2022, the fastest-growing master’s degree enrollment was Mechatronics.
    • At the bachelor’s level, Cybersecurity grew the fastest.
  • Job postings volume is finally trending up as of December.
  • The creator/influencer economy is an emerging academic program and Coursera has already enrolled over 40,000 people in its Influencer Marketing certificate. 
  • Demand for a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence is high. 
    • New student enrollment increased over 300% year-over-year.
    • There is high interest from international students.
    • Employer demand is unclear. Logically, it should be high, but numbers are falling, or perhaps moving to data science
    • This program is competitive, but data indicates that there is an opportunity in the online space or international.

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