Category Webinar Archive

Results Through October (2022)

  • In October, US Google searches for academic programs increased 0.4% year-over-year.
  • In Spring 2022, Data Science had the fastest year-over-year enrollment growth at the bachelor’s and master’s level.
  • General and Operations Managers had the highest growth in job postings, adding 114k postings over last year.
  • In Division I college sports, men’s baseball grew by over 1,000 participants in the three years leading up to Covid.
    • Men’s basketball had the highest growth in expenses per participant.
  • Demand for Human Computer Interaction programs at the bachelor’s level is high.
    • Online completions and international student demand are in the 97th percentile and above.
    • Wages for graduates of this program are very high.
    • There are signs that the market for this program is not saturated.
  • There may be opportunity to start this program in states with lower enrollment per capita.
    • The Midwest and Northeast could have room in their markets.

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