5 Emerging Academic Programs to Watch

Thank you for your interest in Gray’s 5 Emerging Programs Webinar. Hundreds of participants joined the Gray team on Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET for our 4th Annual Five Emerging Programs to Watch Webinar.

Please enjoy these post-webinar resources, and if you are interested in learning more about the emerging programs we covered, please reach out to us at info@grayassociates.com 

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5 Emerging Academic Programs to Watch Recording​

More on Our Predictions and Insights​

AI Literacy: An Opportunity for Higher Education

Explore the future of higher education in an AI-centric world. From the rapid rise of generative AI to the urgent need for AI Literacy, learn how institutions can seize this immediate growth opportunity by launching AI-focused programs, certificates, and executive courses. With AI transforming our world, higher education leaders have a pivotal role in preparing students and staff for this evolving landscape. The time to embrace AI Literacy is now.

Prelude to an Inter-Species Symphony: Digital Bioacoustics in Higher Education

Explore the world of digital bioacoustics, where we’re on the brink of unlocking the language of animals, offering universities a unique opportunity to engage students in cutting-edge research, environmental conservation, and interspecies dialogue. Discover how higher education can nurture the next generation of bioacoustics leaders through interdisciplinary programs, specializations, doctoral research, and certification options, working towards a future where we converse with the natural world, unlocking its secrets and ensuring its harmony.

A Look at the Success of Two of 2023’s Emerging Programs: Creator Economy and Smart Plants

Join us on a journey through the world of emerging academic programs as we revisit two of our past predictions from our annual Emerging Programs Webinar. We’ll delve into the performance of two programs from last January, offering insights into their growth and impact. Explore the dynamic Creator Economy and the captivating Smart Plants, and see how these fields have evolved since our predictions. Discover the potential and innovation that define these programs in higher education.

Academic Program Prophecies: We’ve Seen the Future, and Sometimes It’s Pretty Weird

Each year we use meticulous analysis to distinguish fleeting trends from genuine opportunities in emerging academic programs. Explore the rise of Generative AI, the promise and hurdles of Cellular Agriculture, the landscape of Space Commercialization, and the dual nature of Quantum Computing’s development. Join us as we revisit past predictions and envision the future of academia in our 2024 Emerging Academic Programs to Watch webinar.

Competing for Enrollment with Emerging Academic Programs

Discover how innovative programs not only attract students but also secure a competitive edge in today’s educational landscape. Learn how understanding emerging trends and harnessing interdisciplinary opportunities can drive enrollment, revenue, and success.

New and Emerging Academic Programs for 2023

Discover the emerging academic programs that could shake up higher education in 2023! From the Creator Economy to Energy Storage, Climate Change Adaptation, and the Science of Well-Being, these innovative emerging programs address cultural shifts, new technologies, and scientific breakthroughs that are shaping the world. Learn how early adoption of emerging programs can positively impact both students and schools, and position them for success in a changing world.

Have questions or just want to connect? Reach out to info@www.graydi.us/