2024 PES Job Posting Reports Product Update Resources
Empower Your Institution with PES Job Posting Reports
On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, Gray Decision Intelligence hosted a PES product update webinar to introduce you to the new Job Posting Reports that are now included in your PES subscription.
Watch the Recording Below
Are you tired of relying on outdated or limited job market data to make critical program planning decisions?
Do you want to ensure your students have the skills and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving workforce?
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Benchmarking Program Economics: Improve Efficiencies in a Challenging Higher Education Environment
Amid rising costs and declining enrollments, institutions find that benchmarking program economics is a fiscal lifeline.This strategy uncovers cost-saving opportunities, optimizes resource allocation, and reveals hidden cost drivers. By comparing your program and course economics to peer institutions, you can identify efficiency opportunities and ensure strategic resource use for growth and sustainability. Discover how a data-informed approach, accessible to all key stakeholders, transforms resource management and empowers institutions to thrive.
Evaluating Program Economics: A Data-Informed Approach to Strategic Decision-Making in Higher Education
Facing unprecedented financial and demographic challenges, colleges and universities must adopt strategic financial management practices to thrive. Program economics offers a data-informed approach to understanding the revenue and costs associated with individual programs, enabling institutions to make informed decisions. This methodology not only supports financial sustainability but also aligns academic offerings with market demands, helping to attract and retain students in a competitive landscape. Embracing this student-centric approach can provide a crucial advantage in ensuring institutional success.
Academic Program Economic Analysis Can Yield Surprising Finds
Think you know which academic programs are high revenue contributors for your college? An economic analysis will reveal the truth. Don’t risk your institutions financial health on guesses or outdated rules of thumb. Learn how to ensure data-informed outcomes.
Is Your Academic Program Portfolio Missing Economic Analysis?
Having internal and external data is critical when evaluating your academic programs. If your institution looks at external market data for your academic programs, you are halfway there. But to complete a sound program evaluation, you also need to look inward at program economics and academic outcomes.
Use Your Margins to Support Your Mission
Money remains crucially important to not-for-profits, but in a very different way than for for-profits. For universities, it’s a means for mission attainment, whereas it is the overriding objective in business firms. One barrier to the adoption of academic resourcing models is the concern that doing so will “turn the university into a business.” The case against this proposition is very strong, but its demonstration requires considerable explanation.
No Matter What the Future Holds, Understanding Program Economics is Vital
When it comes to fixing an academic program portfolio or running a healthy institution, understanding program economics is vital. The goal is typically not to profit, but to generate funds that the college can re-invest to advance its mission, strategy, and quality of instruction.
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